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Product description:
AYUVA Extensive Hair Care Oil encompasses the natural healing properties of ancient Ceylonese Ayurveda.
Acting as a wondrous multitasker, AYUVA Extensive Hair Care Oil helps rejuvenate and strengthen the hair while preventing hair fall, dandruff, headaches, premature graying of hair, fungal infections of the scalp, irregularities in hair growth and non-genetic pattern baldness.
Volume 120 ml (4.06 FL.OZ)
Fragrance - Natural Peppermint
Availability : In Stock
Rs. 3,350.00
Apply once a day, all 7 days of the week. On weekends, apply the oil around 8 AM and have it washed off by 12 PM. This will help accelerate the healing process.
Treat the roots and scalp. Take a sufficient amount of oil into the palm of your hand. Rub your hands together to spread the oil. You'll be applying the oil mainly with your fingertips, so focus on spreading it there. Using your fingertips, work the oils into your scalp. Use a massaging motion to both work the oil in and stimulate the scalp. Make sure you cover the entire scalp area, including the back of your head, just above the neck, and behind your ears.
Section your hair into 2 parts. Split it right down the middle of your scalp. If you have long hair, pull one section over your left shoulder and the other over your right shoulder. This will make it easier to apply the oil to the shafts of your hair.
Treat the length of your hair. If you have long hair, you might be tempted to pour a large amount of oil into your hands. However, this will always result in a dripping mess. No matter how much hair you’re working with, take about half a teaspoon of oil into your palm at a time, adding more oil when you need it. Run your hands through the length of your hair, starting at your scalp and ending at the ends. If your ends feel dry, add more oil until they look shiny. Don’t neglect the hair on the back of your head too.
AYUVA Extensive Hair Care Oil is enriched with many herbs from a unique ancestral recipe including,
AYUVA Extensive Hair Care Oil helps rejuvenate and strengthen the hair while preventing,
Benefits of applying oil to the scalp according to Ayurveda;
“The body of one who uses oil massage regularly does not become affected much, even if subjected to accidental injuries or strenuous work. By using oil massage daily, a person is endowed with pleasant touch and becomes strong, charming and least affected by old age.”
- Charaka Samhita: Sutrasthana: V: 88-89 -
Ayurveda factory registration number : 6/2/1/07/6